Per Pupil Spending

   According the Census Bureau, the Total Current Spending Per Pupil for the Windsor School District in Fiscal Year 2012-13 was $20,221, the 22nd highest of 165 school districts.
   The Hartford Courant article (June 2, 2015): In Per-Pupil Spending, Connecticut Ranks High has additional district spending comparisons. The source for that story is the US Census Bureau June 2, 2015 news release: Per Pupil Spending Varies Heavily Across the United States Data from the US Census Bureau are available in viewable tables and downloadable files: Public Elementary-Secondary Education Finance Data That education finance data, from school systems in all states, include revenues, expenditures, debt, and assets (cash and security holding) of elementary and secondary public school systems.
   Click here for an Excel spreadsheet comparison showing two measures of Per Pupil Spending between Windsor and districts classified by the state as similar to Windsor. Windsor ranks highest in per pupil spending in a comparison with its District Reference Group D peers.

District and School Performance

   A list of Windsor School District accomplishments could be extensive. Who wouldn't be proud of Sage Park Middle School being named 2013-14 Middle School of the Year in CT or the State Championship caliber sports teams at the high school level? Perhaps more impressive is the initiative that resulted in more students taking the rigorous Advanced Placement Tests and the increases in these scores. That initiative increased the academic grit of the students.
   Nevertheless, standardized test results of students in the district and their academic performance after college indicate that the student population as a whole is far short of reaching their potential. Click here for an Excel spreadsheet comparison of CMT and CAPT results and 4-year college degree attainment between Windsor and districts classified by the state as similar to Windsor. Windsor ranks lowest in these academic performance measures in a comparison with its District Reference Group D peers.

Alliance School District (Windsor)

   Public Act 12-116, An Act Concerning Educational Reform, created the Alliance District program with the goal of providing new resources to the districts in greatest need - provided they embrace key reforms to position their students for success. To achieve this, the law establishes a process for identifying 30 Alliance Districts - the districts with the lowest district performance index scores statewide - and allocates to these districts $39.5 million in increased Education Cost Sharing (ECS) funding in the upcoming fiscal year. Each district's receipt of its designated allocation is conditioned upon district submission, and Connecticut State Department of Education approval, of an Alliance District Plan for the expenditure of the new increment of conditional funds in the context of the district's overall strategy to improve academic achievement.
   Education Reform Update - Alliance District Application Approvals
   Click Alliance District Approved Plans for more information about the (and specifics for each town)